Home Sellers – Don’t Forget To Mention These 5 Hot Features

John M Wieland
John M Wieland
Published on December 2, 2021

When selling a home, home sellers depend on their agents to ensure the home is marketed well. And, that’s understandable.

What many home sellers don’t understand, however, is how much knowledge they have about their home. Getting this knowledge in the hands of the right listing agent can be powerful marketing points.

Before the home goes on the market, do yourself a favor and brainstorm all the positive aspects of your home. Here are five ideas to get you started.

1. Why did you buy your current home?

Something powerful attracted you to the home and whatever it is might just be worth mentioning in your home’s marketing materials. At this point, home sellers need to think like home buyers and share any emotions they had when they bought this home.

Take a mental walk-through of your life as you were house hunting and happened upon your current home. From its location to floor plan, something struck you and made you fall in love with the property.

Home sellers should share this information with your listing agent.

2. Chemical-free and/or eco-friendly home improvements and maintenance projects.

If the paint on your walls is free of Volatile Organic Compound’s (VOCs), your home is tested annually for radon, or your furnace and air conditioner contains allergy-free components, put that on your list.

If you replaced your front door with an energy-efficient model, or impact glass… that’s a selling point.

Anything home sellers have done to the interior or exterior that is chemical-free or eco-friendly are things your listing agent needs to know.

3. Nearby amenities that are popular with neighborhood residents

Real estate agents understand that nearby parks and schools are worth mentioning in an MLS listing.

But you live in the neighborhood and are more aware of what your neighbors find valuable. If there is an attraction or amenity nearby that is particularly popular, it’s worth mentioning to your real estate agent.

Think outside of your own preferences. For instance, home sellers may not care that the airport is a quick 10-minute drive from the neighborhood, but it may just snag a potential buyer who takes frequent business trips.

4. Is your home “baby boomer bait?”

Older Americans aren’t selling their homes as much as the experts thought they would. Yet, they still make up the largest share of home sellers.

They often seek one-story homes with the following attributes:

  • Lots of storage space
  • Low-maintenance landscaping
  • A walkable neighborhood
  • Low taxes
  • Energy-saving windows and appliances

If your home boasts any of these features, marketing it to baby boomers may just snag the perfect buyer.

5. A dedicated laundry room will help sell your house

If you’re like most Americans, the laundry room is the workhorse of the home. It’s also usually the most neglected room when it comes to deep cleaning and décor.

According to a study by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), a laundry room is an essential, according to 76% of the homebuyers they surveyed.

In fact, it took the number one spot on the list of what second-time homebuyers consider “essential.” It’s second to a living room on the list of essentials for first-time homebuyers.

If your home has a dedicated laundry room, make it the star of the home. Clean it until it’s immaculate. Consider a new, light-colored coat of paint and some yummy décor to make it irresistible.

You’ll find inspiration online at pinterest.com, ashleywinndesign.com and thespruce.com.

As home sellers, you have hidden knowledge that’s more important than you know. Share it. All of it. Help your agent paint a story of your home from the first day you saw it until now. Your future home buyer will appreciate this and it’ll help you reach your selling objective with less friction.

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