*** It was the ultimate weekend with Carol & Keith.
1.5 years ago my phone rang, “Hi John, this is Carol… Keith and I want to see these condos.” She found my real estate business on google and 75 minutes later I showed them two condos. A week later, two more. Ultimately they didn’t buy through me, and bought a condo direct from the owner of the condo they were renting.
No business transacted between us… and THAT’s where our friendship begins…
Putting my real estate business at the forefront, I did what I could to support them in their purchase. We had numerous calls about the market, local condos, and caught them up on the special assessments that are ubiquitous in South Florida.
We enjoyed conversations. So much so that they invited my wife and I to dinner. We did that a few times.
Then in June, they invited my family and I to visit them in their home up north. We said YES!
My gut told me that my real estate business depends on long-term relationships. I’m not concerned about transactions… I’m focused on relationships.
Last weekend we spent four magnificent days with them enjoying their town, beaches and plenty of hot spots. We didn’t talk an ounce of business. It was a weekend of camaraderie, fun, beach-vibes, and getting to know one another. And, the wines were delish!
Thank you SO Much Carol & Keith for allowing us to stay in your home – we enjoyed our time with you!

*** This week I published my latest video that’s jammed with so much information, I can’t refrain from asking you to watch it. So please watch it. Comment on it. Tell me what you think!
Lots of customers find me on my YouTube channel. Making quality video content is at the core of my real estate business. It makes me ask… What’s In It For You (WIIFY)? My goal is to provide you with useful information about our local market (real estate and fun things going on in Delray).
*** When I see our market changing, you come to mind. For example:
Inventory is rising again. Below you can see 6 of the last 7 weeks housing supply is going up. You won’t see this is mainstream media, yet, as they are not privy to it. It’ll take 3-4 weeks for them to get the data. In my real estate business, I strive to get you critical information well ahead of others. It’s a passion.
So, when you walk into the next cocktail party and friends say, “this market is insane…”, tell them how supply is making a significant change and is up 6 of the last 7 weeks in South Florida. Specifically, supply is up over 6% since August 1st.
When supply rises, prices soften or fall. And that’s when my real estate business attracts more home buyers.
So, is the shortage of supply narrative turning? Are we at the beginning of a new real estate trend? Stay tuned…
*** I’m all about being being GREEN – it’s a neat way to save some dough. Let’s grab a coffee and talk about it.
*** Remember – it’s Delray’s September Restaurant Month
*** With hurricane season on the back end and you’re thinking about selling your home… this is the time to take action. If I can be of service, call me. And, if you someone who wants to sell or buy, your referral is appreciated.
*** Your Weekly Inventory Update ***
* 4 years ago there were over 54,000 properties available in S. Florida
* It bottomed in February 2022 at 14,485… a 73% drop
* Last week there were 28,577 available… a 96% rise in 20 months
* This morning’s Inventory is 29,179.
*** Inventory is UP 6 of the last 7 weeks ***