What Makes Delray Beach Beach Amazing

John M Wieland
John M Wieland
Published on August 2, 2021

What Makes Delray Beach Beach amazing is that it’s one of the finest beach’s in all South Florida. Sure that’s a big statement as the entire state is a beach. But Delray Beach beach has something for everyone… and much more. In this video I show you what makes Delray Beach beach amazing and give you useful links below…






Why Is Delray Beach BEACH So Amazing

Have you ever been on the Atlantic Ocean and watched the sunrise? If not, do it. Get to Delray Beach beach about 20 minutes before sunrise. This is when the night’s dark starts turning colors. It’s when you’ll see pelicans gliding in formation along the waves or ripples… or oftentimes at this time of day, it’s glass. Then dark turns to gray. Gray turns to mauve. And every 30 seconds a new color joins the sky.

You’ll want to start the the Delray Beach Pavilion. It was built in 1929 and has lots of history. From there the city laid out bleu carpet for you, Yes, you are greeted with respect and dignity as you enter the sand and beach.

Once on the beach, look north or south and there will be blue cabana lounge areas as far as your eye can see. For a nominal charge, secure your lounging needs for the day (It’s worth every dime).

Here’s the deal, if you want to be private, head to the north end of the beach. That’s where sail boats wait calmly for patrons. But if you want to be part of the scene – you know, the smell of tropical oils, music, tourists from all over the world – then stick between lifeguard station 1 and 3. This is about 400 yards of real estate to enjoy. And for hte water sport enthusiasts, head to lifeguard 4-6 where you can surf, boogie board, paddle board, try kiteboarding, or join a friendly game of beach volleyball or give yourself space to walk south to… Boca!

Delray Beach beach

At any time of the day you need a break, there’s plenty of food spots across A1A for lunch, smoothies, brews. Or, enjoy the Sandoway House and check out some sharks or get a lesson on how to keep our magnificent beaches sparkling clean.

Delray Beach beach is about 1.5 miles long. It’s public with lots of parking. There’s Anchor Park on the south end with more spaces, or you can pick a side-street.

No matter how you get to Delray Beach Beach, make sure you give yourself a half-day to enjoy it – ok, a full day is a lot more fun. You won’t regret a second.

At any time of the day you need a break, there’s plenty of food spots across A1A for lunch, smoothies, brews. Or, enjoy the Sandoway House and check out some sharks or get a lesson on how to keep our magnificent beaches sparkling clean.

Delray Beach beach is about 1.5 miles long. It’s public with lots of parking. There’s Anchor Park on the south end with more spaces, or you can pick a side-street.

No matter how you get to Delray Beach Beach, make sure you give yourself a half-day to enjoy it – ok, a full day is a lot more fun. You won’t regret a second.

0:00 Intro 1:40 Delray Beach Beach Things

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I have folks contacting me weekly about living in the Delray Beach Florida area. I Love it! So if you’re thinking of moving or relocating to Delray Beach or South Florida, I can help you.

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EXP Realty. Florida license SL3444240. (Oh yeah, I lived in Costa Rica for over 12 years. Owned & operated 13 real estate franchise offices. If you’ve ever thought about buying a home in Costa Rica, call me. I can help you get from here to there safely and guide you through the entire process. My Costa Rica Rolodex is full of friends, lawyers, tour operator to help ).

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