The depths of Hurricane season in Florida is August through October.
This is the time of year when Florida beaches are empty, lines at your favorite restaurant disappear, and the number of folks seeking to buy a home seems to stall. But, it’s the best time of the year to buy a home.
Most folks stay away from Florida in the summer months. “It’s too hot, too muggy, too many bugs. And it rains too much” Perfect. So when the number of tourists and homeowners are gone… it’s time to swoop in a buy a home with less competition.
Regular readers know I lived in Costa Rica for almost 13 years. Besides enjoying life to our fullest and operating 12 real estate offices, life would almost stop this time of the year. During rainy season hotels would shut down, restaurants close and my real estate offices would beg for customers. But nothing could, nothing would change it. Year after year I’d tell customers to hurry down to buy a home during rainy season. Only a few would brave the elements and show up. (We lived in Playa Dominical where we’d get over 200 inches of rain each year)
It’s similar here in SoFlo. People don’t care to partake in a Hurricane, let alone thick, heavy air, thunderstorms, and plenty of mosquitoes.
But this is the time of year when you can find better deals and buy a home. You see, sellers get nervous when buyers dry up. They get impatient. They can’t see through 60+ days of slow activity. So, one by one they drop prices.
It’s natural. It happens every year. It doesn’t matter if it’s a sellers or buyers market – it’s a natural occurence.

We realtors look at this seasonality affect months in advance. Beginning in June we prepare for “slow season” and fire up our marketing engines to educate folks like you about our off season. Of course it rains harder. Of course you’ll see storms line up across the Atlantic preparing to take aim at Florida and the Gulf Coast.
So while others won’t consider coming this way to buy a home, this is your opportunity. Plus, hotels are cheaper, restaurants offer better deals to lure you in. It’s a wonderful time of the year to buy a home in Florida!
So there, I told ya so. Come down during Hurricane season to buy a home. You won’t regret it… and you’ll get to see South Florida without the crowds, honking cars or long lines. I’ll keep an extra umbrella in my car for you…