Do Open Houses Sell Homes – A Deep Dive

John M Wieland
John M Wieland
Published on April 7, 2023

Open house sign

Home sellers swear by them, while real estate agents have a love-hate relationship with them. Open houses, those weekend soirees, where a seller leaves their home in the hands of their real estate agent who holds it wide open for the world to traipse through, continue to create an ongoing debate.

So, do open houses sell homes or are they a waste of time? Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons.

Do Open Houses Sell Homes – Advantages

Open houses bring potential buyers to doors. What happens once they enter the door is for another essay. 4% of buyers purchase via an open-house. But it depends on several factors:

  • Price. Proper pricing of the home has a major effect on how quickly it sells and if it will sell to a buyer attending the open house.
  • The house. Even multiple open houses and a massive marketing campaign won’t sell a shabby house, especially if it’s overpriced.
  • The buyer’s real estate agent. The buyer’s agent’s experience weighs on the outcome of the open house as well. Converting the looky-loo into a buyer takes a pro.
  • Does you agent market it well? For me there’s only one way I quash the question “do open houses sell homes” – mass marketing. I’m talking about putting 40-50 open house signs out, 60 minutes before the event… knocking on 25-50 properties nearby, and creating an event in FB each time.

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Do Open Houses Sell Homes – Disadvantages

“Today’s buyers want to see homes on their own schedule,” a Colorado real estate broker tells Teresa Mears of And that’s well and good, as long as the market favors buyers.

Sellers’ markets, however, are a whole different breed. With a homeowner in the driver’s seat, buyers don’t have the luxury of looking at “homes on their own schedule.” Not if they want to be among the first to view a home. In this type of market, open houses are the ideal way to expose a home to the masses but they put buyers at a disadvantage.

Remember the 4% figure I mentioned above? (Courtesy of the National Association of REALTORS) The chances are so small that an open-house attendee will actually put an offer in on a home, many real estate agents discourage the practice.

Consider why: the agent needs to clear their schedule for several hours on a weekend (our busiest time), and sit in someone else’s home as folks trickle in, knowing all the while that none of them are likely to actually purchase the home. So, for many agents, open houses are a waste of time. This may be time better spent on more promising marketing methods.

Others, however, view them as a way to reel in new clients. So,again, there are advantages and disadvantages to holding open houses.

The open house is a way to bring attention to a home, which is important when buyers have lots of homes from which to choose. In sellers’ markets, such as the one we recently experienced when homes often sell before they’re even listed in the MLS, there may not even be time to hold the home open and, if there is, it still may be a waste of time.

Finally, the majority of homebuyers today turn to the internet first in their home search. They’ll look at homes, take virtual tours, and pore over floor plans, all at their leisure.

But I will say with conviction that professional realtors see opportunity in planning for and creating open houses. There is strategy it. It’s not an event you do without oomph. With a proper open house strategy and execution, a good realtor can DRIVE traffic to the home and engage in quality conversations. That’s out job.

If you’re still on the fence and still thinking, “Do open houses sell homes”… call me. I’d be happy to show you how I go about this important sales event with you.

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